Chronology of World, British and American Literature
Virginia Woolf. British. 1941. Novel. Between the Acts. Describes a pageant on English history and its effects on the audience, most of whom misunderstand. Order on chaos.
Arthur Koestler. Hungarian/British. 1941. Novel. Darkness at Noon. Abuses and brutalities of the totalitarian prison state. Perpetuates atmosphere of fear.
Franz Werfel. Austrian. 1941. Novel. The Song of Bernadette. Author escaped Germans in the Church of St. Bernadette; vowed to write a book about her.
Lillian Hellman. American. 1941. Play. Watch on the Rhine. One of the first successful anti-Nazi plays on the American stage. German refugee kills informer in the U.S. German embassy; helps alert to the danger of tyranny.
Budd Schulberg. American. 1941. Novel. What Makes Sammy Run? Tough New York youth works his way into a position of power in Hollywood. Harshness and crude manners are not out of place there. Realistic details of life in the movie colony.
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