Thursday, May 14, 2009

1600 to 1699: Bajazet to The Country Wife

Chronology of World, British and American Literature.

Racine. French. 1672. Play. Bajazet. Attempts to use sultana Roxana to gain his freedom. She learns he is not sincere and he is executed. Sultan learns of Roxana’s unfaithfulness and has her executed. Bajazet’s lover commits suicide.

Moliere. French. 1673. Play. The Imaginary Invalid (Malade imaginaire, Le). Moliere’s last play. Hypochondriac pretends his death to discover his second wife’s greed and his daughter’s loyalty.

Racine. French. 1673. Play. Mithridate. Son vs. father in ancient Rome for the love a young Greek girl, Monime.

Boileau. French. 1647/83. Mock Epic Poetry. The Lectern (Le Lutrin). Lampoons clerical pomposity and pettiness. Battle in a bookshop: ancients vs. moderns.

William Wycherley. British. 1675. Play. The Country Wife. Jealous Pinchwife and credulous Sparkish lose wife and fiancée. Horner, a rumored eunich, has access to willing wives.

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