Wednesday, October 7, 2009

1868 - 1869: Earthly Paradise to Innocents Abroad

Chronology of World, British and American Literature.

William Morris. British. 1868/70. Poetry. Earthly Paradise. Norse sailors flee the Black Death. Tell 24 tales: medieval sagas, classic myths; in between each tale, a lyric poem celebrating the changing landscape.

RD Blackmore. British. 1869. Historical Novel. Lorna Doone, A Romance of Exmoor. 17th century. Hero kidnapped by the Doones, an outlaw clan. Saved b Lorna. Searches for her; marries her, but only because he learns she is the kidnapped daughter of Scottish nobleman. Novel postpones the problem of crossing class lines.

Matthew Arnold. British. 1869. Essays. Culture and Anarchy. Arguments for the role of literary culture in the spiritual life of England.

Gustave Flaubert. French. 1869. Novel. The Sentimental Education. Life among French dilettantes, intellectuals and revolutionaries at the time of Louis Philippe, 1848.

Mark Twain. American. 1869. Travel. The Innocents Abroad or, The New Pilgrim’s Progress. Looks at hallowed European landmarks from a fresh, humorous point of view, without reverence for the past.

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